Toussaint St. Negritude Poetry Reading, Music, and Book Signing
Join Toussaint St. Negritude and celebrate the publication of Mountain Spells: Poems in Montpelier! The poet and musician will be at Bear Pond Books to read, perform, and sign copies of his debut collection.

'Some Things Aren't Meant to Be' Reading at Jeudevine Library
J. Peter Cobb will read from his latest novel, Some Things Aren’t Meant to Be, at the Hardwick Library. The reading will be followed by a Q&A.

Norwich: J. Peter Cobb Reads from 'Some Things Aren't Meant to Be'
The Norwich Bookstore hosts J. Peter Cobb, who will read from his novel, Some Things Aren’t Meant to Be, a story of dairy farming, love, and faith. A Q&A and signing will follow the event.

J. Peter Cobb in Stowe for 'Some Things Aren't Meant to Be'
J. Peter Cobb will be signing copies of his latest novel, Some Things Aren’t Meant to Be, at Bear Pond in Stowe. The love story explores one man’s questions of the heart and faith, from early days on a dairy farm and later in life in a rural Catholic parish.

J. Peter Cobb Reading of 'Some Things Aren't Meant to Be'
J. Peter Cobb will read from his novel, Some Things Aren’t Meant to Be, at Phoenix Books in Rutland. A Q&A and signing will follow the event.

'Indigo Hours' with Nancy Stone in Rutland
Nancy Stone, artist and author of the award-winning Indigo Hours: Healing Haiku, will read at Phoenix Books in Rutland. Books will be available for purchase and signing.

Rob Mermin: A Conversation about 'Circle of Sawdust' at Woodstock Library
Journalist Rob Gurwitt will be in conversation with Circus Smirkus Founder Rob Mermin about his memoir, Circle of Sawdust: A Circus Memoir of Mud, Myth, Mirth, Mayhem and Magic, at the Norman Williams Library in Woodstock. Yankee Bookshop will be handling sales and the author will be signing books after the talk.

An Evening with Nancy Stone and 'Indigo Hours'
Come hear Nancy Stone, artist and author of the award-winning Indigo Hours: Healing Haiku, at Phoenix Books in Essex. She will be signing books after the event.

Rob Mermin: Reading of 'Circle of Sawdust' at the Norwich Bookstore
Circus Smirkus Founder Rob Mermin will read from his memoir, Circle of Sawdust: A Circus Memoir of Mud, Myth, Mirth, Mayhem and Magic, at The Norwich Bookstore. He will be signing books after the talk.

'All Who Believed' Reading with Tamara Mathieu in New Hampshire
Join Tamara Mathieu at a reading of her debut, All Who Believed: A Memoir of Life in the Twelve Tribes, at the Bookery Manchester. The author will sign books after her talk.

Tamara Mathieu: 'All Who Believed' Rutland Book Launch
Debut author Tamara Mathieu will read from her memoir All Who Believed: A Memoir of Life in the Twelve Tribes at Phoenix Books in Rutland. The reading will be followed by a Q&A and signing.

Tamara Mathieu: Book Launch Signing of 'All Who Believed'
Celebrate the book launch of All Who Believed: A Memoir of Life in the Twelve Tribes by Tamara Mathieu at The Eloquent Page in St. Albans. The author will be signing copies of her memoir.

Thomas Christopher Greene Book Signing
Celebrate Independent Bookstore Day with Thomas Christopher Greene and other local authors signing books and answering questions at Bridgeside Books in Waterbury! SWAG, refreshments, music and more! Tom will be signing his newest release, “Notes from the Porch: Tiny True Stories to Make You Feel Better about the World.”

Allen, Jacobsen, Ward reading at Norwich Bookstore
Join three Vermont poets at the Norwich Bookstore for a reading from their debut books:
Amy Allen of Shelburne with Mountain Offerings
Mary Elder Jacobsen of Calais with Stonechat
Kim Ward of Montpelier with Fire on a Circle
The free reading features a Q&A with the authors, books for sale, and book signing.

An Evening of Poetry with Amy Allen: Mountain Offerings
Please join us to celebrate the launch of Vermont poet Amy Allen's debut collection of poetry, Mountain Offerings, at Phoenix Books Rutland. Signed copies of Mountain Offerings will be available at the event. Learn more here.

The Red Wheelbarrow Book Launch at Norwich Bookstore
Marjorie Nelson Matthews launches her new novel, The Red Wheelbarrow, at the Norwich Bookstore, in conversation with Vox correspondent Dylan Matthews. Free and open to the public with Q&A and book signing.
About the speakers:
Born and raised in Honolulu, Marjorie Nelson Matthews resides in Hanover, New Hampshire. Her poetry has been published in Rainbird, Across Borders, Bloodroot Literary Magazine, and the 2012 New Hampshire Writers’ Project Poetry in the Windows event. Hawai‘i Calls (Rootstock Publishing, 2022) was her first novel.
Dylan Matthews is a senior correspondent at Vox, where he serves as head writer for the Future Perfect section, covering people and institutions trying to change the world for the better. Dylan was born and raised in Hanover and owes about a quarter of the contents of his bookshelves to Norwich Bookstore.

Betty Nadine Thomas Book Launch Party!
Join Betty Nadine Thomas, author and artist of Unleashed: Poems & Drawings for a book launch bash and reading at Stone Broke Bread and Books in Gardiner, Maine. Free and open to the public refreshments!
Learn more at https://www.stonebrokebreadandbooks.com/events.html

Marilyn Webb Neagley Author Talk at The Williams Bookstore
Join Marilyn Webb Neagley for an Author Talk about her memoir Attic of Dreams in Williamstown, Mass. at The Williams Bookstore, Nov. 4, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. Learn more at www.marilynwneagley.com.

Marilyn Webb Neagley -- Attic of Dreams
Neagley combines a personal memoir with the history of a well-known tourist site.
Attic of Dreams is a lyrical memoir that begins in a Vermont village and moves to a grand estate known as Shelburne Farms. The author's concerns for the outer environment are intertwined with the struggles of her inner life. Humor counters tragedy, and forgiveness counters blame. Trust and love emerge.
Marilyn Webb Neagley has lived her life in Vermont. She is known for her role as president of Shelburne Farms during the formative years of 1976-1988. Marilyn is the author of two previous books and the co-editor of another. Her book, Walking through the Seasons, received an IPPY gold medal for best northeastern non-fiction. She has been a Vermont Public Radio commentator and has written essays for her local newspaper. Marilyn was raised in Ascutney, Vermont, but now resides with her husband in Shelburne.
Event date: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 - 7:00pm
Event address: 291 Main St. Norwich, VT 05055-0307

Local Author Event at Barnes & Noble Holyoke
Local authors Celia Jeffries and Liza Ketchum will be doing a meet and greet and signing copies of their books Blue Desert and The Last Garden (respectively).

Rick Winston in Conversation with Steve R. Bissette: Save Me A Seat!
Join us for a magical evening over a shared fondness of film, and the culture of movie theaters... The acquiring of a ticket, the buttery scent of buttered popcorn, the lights as they dim...
Rick Winston's lifelong love of movies led to the creation of one of Vermont's leading cultural institutions, the Savoy Theater in Montpelier, Vermont. With humor and heart, he takes us behind the scenes of the hard and rewarding work of building a film venue over decades in a grateful community. Save Me a Seat is the story of how a vibrant film culture took root in unlikely surroundings, and the story of how a boy from the New York City suburbs landed in Vermont and became a preeminent film programmer and historian in the Green Mountain State.

Rootstock Reading with Vermont Authors!
Join Rootstock Publishing and three local Vermont authors to celebrate their new books! Authors and their books include:
Novelist Mike Magluilo (A Reason to Run) of Cornwall, VT
Novelist Chris Lincoln (The Funny Moon) of East Thetford, VT
Memoirist Marilyn Webb Neagley (Attic of Dreams) of Shelburne, VT
Authors will each read a short passage and be available to answer questions and sign books. Publisher Samantha Kolber will also be available to answer questions about publishing. Free and open to the public.
Thanks to Bridgeside Books in Waterbury, Vermont for hosting!

Rick Winston at Bridgeside Books
Join Rick Winston for a reading and signing of his new memoir Save Me a Seat! A Life With Movies.

Author Event: Celia Ryker
Join us as we celebrate Celia Ryker and her book, Augusta.
Augusta is based on the true story of her grandmother who was raised on a farm in Arkansas, married off to a classmate’s father and abandoned in Detroit in the 1920s with four children.
Come learn more about Augusta and Detroit in the 1920s! Free and open to the public. 7pm at Inscribe Books.

A Signing with Rick Winston
Join film historian Rick Winston to celebrate his new book, Save Me a Seat! A Life With Movies, and the reopening of Bear Pond Books! An entertaining evening full of popcorn, snacks, book signing, and fascinating conversation about film. Free and open to the public. TIME TO BE ANNOUNCED.

Chris Lincoln: Meet The Author & Book Signing
Meet Chris Lincoln, author of the debut novel THE FUNNY MOON, as reviewed in Here In Hanover magazine, for a book signing at the The Norwich Bookstore!

Brendan Buckley: "The Morse Code"
The Galaxy Bookshop is pleased to celebrate the publication of The Morse Code: Legacy of a Vermont Sportswriter with author Brendan Buckley! With the help of interviews, anecdotes, and newspaper archives, Buckley shines a light on the life and career of the late, beloved, Hardwick Gazette sportswriter Dave Morse. Join us in celebrating this book and the man who inspired its writing!
Free and open to the public. Hardwick Town House, 127 W. Church Street, Hardwick, VT.

Book Launch Chris Lincoln: "The Funny Moon"
For fans of Elinor Lipman, The Funny Moon is a literary romp about the challenges of marriage, self-discovery, and personal fulfillment with a New Age twist.
Join author Chris Lincoln at the Norwich Bookstore for a book launch, reading & signing for The Funny Moon, his debut novel!
Learn more at https://www.norwichbookstore.com/event/chris-lincoln-funny-moon

Independent Bookstore Day 2023 Local Author Expo: Rebecca & Sallyann Majoya
One Day. Fifty States. Hundreds Of Bookstores. Join The Celebration!
Independent Bookstore Day (IBD) is a one-day national party at indie bookstores across the country on the last Saturday in April. Every store is unique and independent, and every party is different. There are exclusive books and literary items that you can only get on that day. Not before. Not after. Nowhere else.
Check out what The Doylestown & Lahaska Bookshops have planned below:
11 - 1 PM - Local Author Expo featuring local authors:
Andy McPhee
Rebecca & SallyAnn Majoya
Susan Dalessandro
David F. Martin
Tyree Scott
LCW Allingham
River Eno
Learn more at https://www.doylestownbookshop.com/event/independent-bookstore-day-2023

Publishers Panel: Small, Hybrid, and Self Publishing
You've written a book, what's next? The world of publishing has many options and on Sunday, April 16 we are joined by industry representatives to offer information on your options. This workshop focuses on small, hybrid, and self-publishing options.
By the end of this seminar, you'll gain a clearer understanding of what is available, what differentiates each type, the option that may be best for you, and a grasp of the time, effort, and cost associated with getting your book from a draft on a computer screen to a finished physical copy. You'll also receive access to a digital resource packet to download to help guide your process.
Publisher Panelists:
Rootstock Publishing, Montpelier
Onion River Press, Burlington
Green Writers Press, Brattleboro
Author Panelists:
Catherine Drake, published with She Writes Press
Bill Schubart, self-published and published with Simon & Schuster
Tickets are $9.99 per person. Get Tickets Here: https://bridgesidebooks.com/events
*Bring something for taking notes.*