Annie Bakst


Annie Bakst.

​​Some people become creative. Annie was declared creative. Albeit by her mom, and albeit at age 5, her cerulean sky met the grass of her house rendering in a way that would be lost on lesser artists of any age. And so Annie met her beginnings as “a creative type.” Honing her craft at the MOMA’s kid’s classes on Saturdays, Annie believes she gave Calder a run for his money. We believe she had a rampant overabundance of ideas that simply needed proper channeling. Fast forward a decade or so and it turns out her prowess with markers could make her some money on Madison Avenue. (Oh yeah, that degree from Parsons didn’t hurt either). Drawing was always her passion. Now she gets to do it every day. She currently lives in Vermont and is the co-owner of Bohemian Bakery in Montpelier. Visit her artist’s website  


Annie’s Events


Nneka Allen


Jim Barry