Bill Mares


Raised in Texas, educated at Harvard, Bill Mares is a former journalist, state representative, and high school teacher. He has authored or co-authored 19 books on subjects ranging from the US Marines to desert travel, from war memorials to brewing beer, from beekeeping to Vermont humor. For pleasure and work, he has traveled to over sixty countries. From 2007 to 2018 he wrote over two hundred commentaries for Vermont Public Radio. He has served on the boards of VT Digger, the Vermont Beekeepers Association, The Fairbanks Museum, the Vermont Council of World Affairs, the Vermont Brewers Association and Food4Farmers.

Tragically, Bill passed away after a battle with cancer on Monday, July 29, 2024. We deeply mourn the loss of our dear friend. “My life was not a single note, in vocation or avocation. I was happy to play as many notes as I could, as long as they harmonized into a chord,” wrote Bill in his memoir, his last opus. May his memory, and his words, be a blessing and gift to us all.

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Bill’s Books


Bill’s Events

Better to Be Lucky than Smart!
I Could Hardly Keep From Laughing: An Illustrated Collection of Vermont Humor
from $24.99

Rebecca & Sallyann Majoya


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