Camila Vital Nunes Pereira


Born and raised in Brazil, Camila comes from a very mixed family including Black, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Native Indian. She understood from a very young age that race relations, identity and gender roles were central not only to her family but to herself and that skin color in Brazil dictates your role, future and existence within society.

Since childhood Camila has been involved in philanthropy through her family’s community initiatives. Her career in the nonprofit sector is a means to contribute towards the eradication of all forms of prejudice preventing the advancement and betterment of humankind; she is a fundraising professional in Toronto and a coach to Brazilians involved in philanthropy and fundraising in Brazil and Canada. Camila holds a PhD in Public Policy/Public Administration & International Relations from Howard University-USA.

Alongside her career, Camila keeps a strong connection with her family in Brazil and loves spending time with her husband, Adrian, and cat, Lila. One of their favorite past-times has been traveling.

Camila is an editor and an author of Collecting Courage; Joy, Pain, Freedom, Love — Anti-Black Racism in the Charitable Sector.

Meet the other contributors here.

Camila’s Books


Camila’s Events

Collecting Courage: Joy, Pain, Freedom, Love — Anti-Black Racism in the Charitable Sector
from $18.95

Scudder Parker


Melissa Perley