Notes from the Porch Receives Publishers Weekly Review!

In this folksy collection, Greene (If I Forget You), a novelist and founder of the Vermont College of Fine Arts, tells feel-good stories about events he witnessed during the Covid-19 lockdowns in Montpelier, Vt.

The selections highlight unexpected connections between strangers. “Neglected Gardens” recounts how Greene befriended the former owner of his home after accepting her request to care for his derelict backyard garden, which she had created. In “Strangers,” Greene recalls his surprise witnessing from his porch two middle-aged joggers engage in a brief, passionate kiss: “I shouted, I thought you were strangers!... Without breaking stride, moving away from each other, they shouted back in unison, We are!”

Six pieces are devoted to Greene’s exchanges with a seven-year-old neighbor who often stops to chat while bicycling past the author’s house; in one particularly amusing if inscrutable instance, the kid says he has a friend who doesn’t smile “cause he has a triangle face.” Elsewhere, Greene discusses shopping for smoke alarms, raising puppies, and watching flying ants hatch. The low stakes of the entries capture the quietude of Vermont life.

It’s an ideal collection for reading by the fire on a cold night. (Feb.)

Publishers Weekly