Three Finalists in the 2022 INDIES Book of the Year Awards!

Rootstock Publishing is pleased to announce three books have been named finalists in the 25th annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards:
Pauli Murray’s Revolutionary Life, a young adult biography by author Simki Kuznick, in the Juvenile Nonfiction category.
All Men Glad and Wise, a mystery by Laura C. Stevenson, in the Mystery (Adult Fiction) category.
Alzheimer’s Canyon: One Couple's Reflections on Living with Dementia, by Jane Dwinell and Sky Yardley, in the Health (Adult Nonfiction) category.
As part of its mission to discover, review, and share the best books from university and independent publishers, Foreword Magazine, Inc. hosts an annual awards program each year. Finalists represent the best books published in 2022. After more than 2,500 individual titles spread across 55 genres were submitted for consideration, the finalists were determined by Foreword’s editorial team. Winners will be decided by an expert team of booksellers and librarians—representing Foreword’s trade readership—from across the country.
The complete list of Finalists can be found at:
“Each year, we are bowled over by the depth and breadth of the INDIEs submissions,” says Editor-in-Chief Michelle Anne Schingler. “We are given hundreds of opportunities to engage with the most inventive, surprising, and thrilling independent books of the year. It is our privilege to select the best among them––and an awesome responsibility that we take seriously.”
“Our goal for the INDIES Book of the Year awards finalists gives us a chance to recognize great projects from small presses, and mirrors our mission of discovering outstanding books as showcased in Foreword Reviews. This year’s finalists represent the top offerings in each genre, from debut author publishers to established university and independent presses,” says Publisher Victoria Sutherland. “It’s really a wonderful tribute to the independent voices that don’t often get the recognition they deserve.”
“We’re thrilled and honored that three of our eleven titles published in 2022 are named finalists in this year’s INDIES Book of the Year Awards,” says Rootstock Publisher Samantha Kolber. “It reinforces our strong commitment to our editorial standards in publishing high-quality books. Plus, the recognition may help these important books find broader readership, and that’s always a win for authors,” she says.
About Foreword Magazine: Since 1998, Foreword Reviews has provided trade book reviews of the best titles from independent presses. In print, and online, its FOLIO award-winning design and editorial content makes the magazine a favorite among librarians, booksellers, and readers—an excellent resource when it comes to purchasing books. Foreword INDIES and the fee-for-review Clarion service complement our online content and print magazine, helping to showcase independent presses and their authors for over 24 years.
About Rootstock Publishing: Rootstock Publishing is a hybrid publisher founded in 2017 in Montpelier, Vermont. Their books have won multiple awards such as the IPPY, Foreword INDIES, the IBPA Ben Franklin Award, and Independent Book Publishers of New England awards, among others. They publish poetry, fiction, and nonfiction manuscripts by authors from all over the globe. Learn more at