Neagley combines a personal memoir with the history of a well-known tourist site.
Attic of Dreams is a lyrical memoir that begins in a Vermont village and moves to a grand estate known as Shelburne Farms. The author's concerns for the outer environment are intertwined with the struggles of her inner life. Humor counters tragedy, and forgiveness counters blame. Trust and love emerge.
Marilyn Webb Neagley has lived her life in Vermont. She is known for her role as president of Shelburne Farms during the formative years of 1976-1988. Marilyn is the author of two previous books and the co-editor of another. Her book, Walking through the Seasons, received an IPPY gold medal for best northeastern non-fiction. She has been a Vermont Public Radio commentator and has written essays for her local newspaper. Marilyn was raised in Ascutney, Vermont, but now resides with her husband in Shelburne.
Event date: Wednesday, November 1, 2023 - 7:00pm
Event address: 291 Main St. Norwich, VT 05055-0307